
Who we are

The partnership’s membership comprises the following organisations representing and advocating cycling and walking in Worcestershire.


Mother and child on Hams Way cyclist and pedestrian bridge


We invite like-minded organisations to support this initiative and be listed as a supporter below. If you or an organisation you represent would like to support this initiative, please see our Contact page.

Disabled Ramblers group on Malvern Hills

Messages of Support

There is a self fulfilling strategy at the moment as whilst the infrastructure for cycling is poor, people don’t cycle and as people don’t cycle there is no political or financial incentive to improve the infrastructure. There needs to be improvement in the nation’s fitness and cycling is part of the solution.

Dr Jonathan Leach NHS England Med Director Covid Vaccination & Assoc MedDir Armd Forces & Vets Health, GP Davenal Hse Surg [Bromsgrove], Joint Hon Sec RCGP, Humbled OBE

“Worcestershire’s countryside, towns and villages together with the Cathedral City of Worcester are very attractive places but spoilt by excessive car use and the lack of an alternative of good walking and cycling infrastructure designed to meet current Department for Transport standards. As a result residents and visitors are missing out on the health, amenity, safety and economic benefits of a systematic plan to enable far more trips to be completed by active travel”.

David Cox OBE former Chair of South Birmingham PCT and Cycling UK and currently Board Member of The Active Well Being Society

“Increasing the numbers of people who are walking and cycling depends on people feeling safe and being safe on Worcestershire’s roads. Over the past decade the total number of people reported killed and injured on the county’s roads has risen from 153 in 2009 to 209 in 2019. Amongst pedestrians the number has more than doubled from 18 to 37. The County Council needs to take greater steps including adopting a “Vision Zero” approach to reduce road danger if it is to begin to address these worrying trends and to create an environment where people will choose to walk and cycle. The first action needs to be to introduce a default 20mph speed limit in built-up areas.”

Jeremy Leach, Action Vision Zero